Books by Scott

Books By Scott

Read the Amazing Story of Scott’s Triumphant Journey

Livin' On A Chair

On a whim Scott Allen Frost went for a dirt bike ride on a beautiful afternoon in May 2009 and broke his neck, leaving him paralyzed from the shoulders down. Terrified, he was left to choose. Give up on life or try to make it better than it was before. Motivated by a series of surreal miracles that followed a cryptic commandment heard in the dark of his hospital room, Scott chose to live life in the face of tremendous adversity.

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Readers’ Raves about the Book

“It was an awesome inspiring read. It will make you realize how quickly your life can change. It is sad, funny at times and you come away with the attitude that you can accomplish what you put your mind to.”

Sharon S.

“I found myself cheering for Scott throughout the book; laughing and celebrating with him at his highs and tearing up at his lows. I finished the book in just under 24 hrs and feel as if I have gone on an inspirational journey with him.”

Kevin S.

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